Strategic Planning is a Verb
By Roberto Muñiz
At Parker, we are in the final stages of our most recent five-year strategic plan, and at the same time have begun strategizing to move forward with our vision for the next ten years. While we have many questions to answer and many more to ask, the one I think about a lot is “is ten years too long?”
Planning for the future is an oxymoron because, how can you plan for something you know little about? We can collect data, identify opportunities, watch for trends, keep an eye on technology, and ask people what they want – and then ask them again.
We have to get comfortable with the notion that the services we provide today may look and feel very different in just a few short years. And they may look and feel different in another few short years again, because with each wave of aging consumers comes new needs, desires, and demands. And if we don’t offer what they want or need – they will figure it out for themselves.
So is ten years too long? Five years? Two? I believe that there isn’t a set timeline for strategic planning. It’s a process, not a goal. I think of strategic planning as a verb, not a noun.
Do we need to check in as we move forward with plans? Absolutely. Will we ensure that our mission of care and compassion remains intact? Of course. Do we need to be flexible as we assess what’s working well and what needs to be changed? Always. Do we pause? Sometimes. Do we stop? Never.
So let me start this blog over. Here at Parker, we continue with our strategic planning. . . .
Posted on June 02, 2016