Whom Have You Impacted Today?
By Roberto Muñiz
I love Wednesdays and Thursdays! After a full day at Parker Home discussing strategy, meeting with staff, and reviewing operational data, I start preparing for one of the highlights of my week - my evening classes as an Instructor at Rutgers University.
For the past five years, I have taught Long-Term Care Management, Health Care Systems and Intro to Health Administration at Rutgers University's Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career.
The students I teach range from sophomores to seniors and come from a variety of backgrounds. These individuals are considering career paths in Public Health and Healthcare Administration, whether community health, long-term care or hospital-based administration or other health-related opportunities. What they all have in common is their interest, enthusiasm and fresh perspective on how we, as healthcare professionals, are serving the healthcare needs of New Jersey consumers and beyond.
These young adults are a part of my professional life not just as students, but as interns, administrators in practice, protégés, social media connections and future colleagues. I view teaching them as a privilege and hope that I have had a positive impact by sharing my knowledge, experience, and insights.
Never underestimate your own power in influencing and impacting others. Whether teaching at a community college or university, sharing your knowledge through career days, or partnering as a mentor to someone in the field, you have a direct impact on the individual and their ability to accomplish their personal and professional goals. I encourage you to seek out opportunities within your own organization and the broader community where you work and live.
We all have the chance to impact those around us and we must consider ourselves role models to our employees, our professional colleagues, and our social network outside of work. This should not be considered something "extra" we do; it should be considered a necessary and important part of our job descriptions as Administrators, CEO's and leaders in the healthcare field.
I am sure we all have checklists for operations, business strategy, programs and processes - but what about a checklist for how we demonstrate and share our passion, energy, enthusiasm and knowledge with others? I'm starting mine today!
Posted on April 28, 2016